It's so easy to get caught in the routine of day to day life. I do it. You do it. And before you know it we are looking back on our life trying to get back time that we will never be able to get. The kids grow up. One gray hair appears, then another. The "somedays" in our lives become "I wish I hads." Then one day you wake up. Everyone has that moment that they actually wake up and all of those things you swore you would do become a priortity. Does it come as the result of a loss? Or a birthday? There are so many things that can spawn that final desire to "just do it."
God has been wrecking me to do more than just participate. I love the level I am blessed to serve in the capacities that I do as a part of NewSpring Church. I am blessed to see and be a part of salvations each and every week. If you have never prayed with someone else to receive Christ, then you have missed out on a pure and deep joy. In the past few months I have found myself feeling like there was even more God wanted from me. I haven't been able to put a finger on it, until I realized...why does that discipleship have to be on just Sundays? Why should it be only within the walls of that building? It's easy to sit back and say, "New Spring should get a _______ ministry." Why is it their responsibility? Why is it any church's responsibility to reach the children, youth, adults, wrecked marriages and every other walk of life that either needs to meet Jesus or needs to realize that simply accepting Christ is NOT enough. If Jesus is in your heart, you should be serving, witnessing, praying, and living out the new life you have been given in Christ.
The vision I believe God has bestowed upon me is for disciples to become on fire for building an army of other disciples to build an army of other disciples to build an army....and so on. People need to be empowerd by the Holy Spirit to use their gifts to serve and to be bold in their pursuit of people that need to know Jesus. To awaken from a life of routine and serving ourselves and this world, to serve each other and a mighty God.
What is stopping you? I would love for you to be a part of it. Each one of us reaching one person a week for Christ. Can you even imagine? God has given you the tools. Let us help empower you to use them for His glory.