Monday, January 25, 2010

Headin Home

It's a little surreal packing up my suitcase tonight to leave in the morning. It's a hard place to be in...knowing Landon and Cierra need me at home....I need to work some, take care of some business, spend time with the family, etc...and of course I am torn being gone from here at least until he is in his chair again some in a few weeks. The bigger part of me knows every day this week there will be someone here and that brings me so much peace. This initial week it has been essential and I am grateful I could have the time with him. My plans are to go home tomorrow and come back possibly Sunday evening. I have no idea about after that.

Today the fatigue caught up to both us us! There was an awesome family brunch in the family room where I got to meet several other family members. It's sad to say that Anderson and Spartanburg are well represented at Shepherd!!! We had a sweet friend from Greenville stop by and spend some time with us today and before we left Tim got the nurse, the xray tech and the rest of us so Odie could pray for him. After that we sacked out for the whole afternoon! And IT FELT GOOOOOD!

This evening I went for a cup of coffee here on the floor and began talking to a woman who seemed to have a happy heart similar to how I perceive my own. We began talking about why we were here...each with our husbands...each for a skin flap. You could tell this wasn't her first rodeo either. I began to tell her that I had written a book, when mid-sentence she jumped up and down in the 3 x 4 room with soooooo much excitement saying, "YOU'RE THE BOOK GIRL!!!!!" Caught a little off-guard, I followed her to her husband's room...very nice man....she showed me the bookmark on her computer with my name on it linking her to articles and the book order site. It was hilarious to be a celebrity for a brief moment in time. Even if I did look like hell. I'm bringing her a book when I return.

With the worst of our fears behind us thus brings to light a specific verse that was planted in me today.
The end of a matter is better than its beginning, and patience is better than pride. Do not be quickly provoked in your spirit, for anger resides in the laps of fools.

For certain the end of this journey will be better than the beginning...even if nothing else happened and it was completely uneventful. We cannot be angry in our circumstances. We have family, friends, each other, an amazing church, great doctors, and above all a sovereign and mighty God. Will your end be better than your beginning? How will you make that so?

Be Contagious For Christ...

1 comment:

  1. Ecc7:8-9
    The end of a matter is better than its beginning, and patience is better than pride. Do not be quickly provoked in your spirit, for anger resides in the laps of fools. thanks I needed that...from here & there praying for you~
